
Innovation Center of Intelligent Connected Electric Vehicles

About IC2EV

With the rapid development of Intelligent ConnectedElectric Vehicle (ICEV) in China and global, it gradually becomes a frontier area of international competition and a must-contest field. ICEV has huge market share and broad impact in human society for the future. It is an interdisciplinary technology that requires knowledge and research from multiple areas. In 2018, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univez zrsity initiated  Innovation Center of Intelligent Connected Electric Vehicles(IC2EV) to implement organized research in sciences and applications in the field of intelligent connected electric vehicles. As a university-level cross-disciplinary platform, this center has been established with the goal of conducting cutting-edge research activities, and applying them to generate engineering solutions. The center primarily focuses on intelligent driving technology, V2X connected and sharing technology, and electric vehicle technology. Furthermore, it explores the integration of ICEV with other areas such as human-vehicle integration ecology and vehicle-based energy storage. The vision of this center is to advance both theoretical and practical contributions, bridge the gap between academia and industry, and deliver key technologies to address the bottleneck in future transportation systems.

Research Directions

1. Intelligent driving technology

Developing state-of-art algorithms and applying them to enchance the intelligence of vehicles in various envionments. Focus on perception, localization, decision-making, control, etc.

2. V2X connected and sharing technology

Exploring the potential revolution of intelligent transportation system brought by connecting vehicles with ingrastructure, cloud, and human. Focus on cooperative driving, multi-agent systems, networks, driving behavior analysis, etc.

3. Electric vehicle technology

Improving the efficiency and performance of electric/hybrid vehicle by optimizing powertrain and battery systems. Focus on motor, battery management, energy control, etc.

Center Directors



Distinguished Professor

Intelligent driving, Intelligent connected vehicles

Vice Director

Chentao WU


Cloud storage system, big data storage system

Vice Director

Yafei WANG


Intelligent driving

Center Members

Ruigang YANG

Distinguished Professor

AI; Computer vision; Robotics, autonomous driving; XR/VR

Amnon Shashua

Honorary Professor

Computer science;
Autonomous vehicles

Tong QIN

Associate Professor

Perception, mapping, 

positioning; End-to-end 

AI model; Robotic SLAM

Songan ZHANG

Assistant Professor

Intelligent vehicle/robot 

decision-making system; 

RL/Meta RL; Generic 

policy design

Junguo LU


Robotics; Unmanned and

 remote driving; Fractional 

control systems; Chaos and complex network research



Multi-agent systems 

and complex networks

Xiaodong WU

Associate Professor

Intelligent driving planning 

and control; Wire controlled chassis system technology;

Driving dynamics and motion control


Accociate Professor

Control and optimization 

problems in smart and 

connected systems

Yeqiang QIAN

Associate Professor

Intelligent driving 

panoramic perception;  

Heterogeneous camera 

fusion sensing; 

High-precision environment modeling

Hongdi HE

Associate Professor

Application of AI in 

intelligent transport system; 

New energy vehicles and 

energy consumption

Dongyao CHEN

Assistant Professor

Sensing systems and security

Hanyang ZHUANG

Assistant Researcher

Intelligent transportation 

system; V2X