Notice and Announcement

Symposium | 2022 Pu Yuan International Symposium on Future Technologies Symposium


2022 Pu Yuan International Symposium on Future Technologies 

About the Symposium

Pu Yuan International Symposium on Future Technologies, hosted by Global Institute of Future Technology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, will be held on Dec 10-11, 2022. The symposium provides an academic platform for young scholars around the world to exchange ideas on their latest research, to interact and collaborate with each other, and to find inspirations in the rapidly-evolving technological fields. Seminars in the symposium focus on interdisciplinary and emerging areas of research related to future energy and health. Outstanding young scholars participating in this symposium are encouraged to pursue collaborations with our faculty members or join us to start your new career in this exciting place.

Symposium date: Dec 10-11, 2022

Symposium Topics

Sustainable Energy

This symposium session broadly covers all areas related to energy harvesting, storage, transmission, and management, including but not limited to:

•  Solid state battery, battery sensing and manufacturing

•  Renewable energy generation, conversion, inter-operation, and system-wise management

•  Low-carbon and energy-efficient agricultural facilities, precise operation and intelligent production in plant factories, electrification and automation of agricultural equipment

•  Multi-physics reliability analysis and management of large-scale energy storage systems

•  Perovskite solar cell synthesis, manufacturing, and performance evaluation

Health Science and Technology

This session covers the interdisciplinary research topicsrelating to health and engineering simultaneously, including but not limited to:

•  Metaverse for medicine (tissue and physiology modelling, metaverse technology, block-chain technology, bioinformatics, biostatistics, quantitative biology, molecular biology, and behavioral biology)

•  Wearable chemical sensing devices, biomedical optical imaging, and multi-modality imaging

•  Brain health (neural modulation therapies for brain disorders, genomics and genetics of complicated brain disorders, neural electrode technologies, and digital-twin of the human brain)

•  Life-cycle health management (mobile health computing, telehealth, telemedicine, health information technology and systems, health data analytics, and behavioral data science)

•  Tumor biology and pathophysiology, aging, and design of cohort study

Organizing Committee

Jun Ni: Dean, Chair Professor

Mian Li: Assistant Dean, Professor

Hongyi Xin: Assistant Dean, Associate Professor

Shouhang Bo: Associate Professor

Renke Huang: Associate Professor

Yang Liu: Assistant Professor

Participate in the Symposium

If you are interested, please send your full CV, short bio, and the title and abstract of your talk to also scan the following QR code to fill up the information form.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: Nov 30, 2022

Invitation Notification: Dec 2, 2022

Confirmation Deadline: Dec 5, 2022

Symposium Dates: Dec 10-11, 2022

Contact us

For Health Science and Technology, contact Dr. Yang Liu,

For Sustainable Energy, contact Dr. Renke Huang,

Symposium Coordinator: Ms. Yu Fang

Telephone: +86-21-34206045 Ext.: 4573


Address: East Wing of Pao Yue-Kong Library, 800 Dong Chuan Road, Shanghai, P. R. China

About Global Institute of Future Technology

Global Institute of Future Technology (GIFT hereafter) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University  is one of the first 12 Institutes of Future Technology established by the Ministry of Education of China. Founded on August 19, 2021, GIFT is committed to building an internationally influential faculty, creating a cutting-edge interdisciplinary teaching and research platform, and cultivating innovative scientific and technological leaders who can address global challenges and contribute to future development.

GIFT manages endowment funds from a variety of sources, including a recent donation of more than 200 million US dollars. GIFT's new building will be completed within two years for 60,000 square meters, in addition to the current working space in the East Wing of Pao Yue-Kong Library and Longbin Building. With strong public and university support, we will rapidly expand our faculty, including high-level hiring (e.g. NAE/NAS members and Fellows of multiple professional societies).