Prof. Xin Hongyi 辛弘毅

Principal Investigator

Dr. Hongyi Xin is currently an associate professor at the Global Institute of Future Technology (GIFT) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before that, he was the "James-Wu-and-Jane-Sun" endowed associate professor at UM-SJTU Joint Institute. Hongyi received his PhD from the computer science department at Carnegie Mellon University, under the supervision of Carl Kingsford and had been a post-doc fellow at UPMC Children's Hospital supervised by Dr. Wei Chen.

Hongyi has been awarded multiple provincial and national grants from both NSFC and STCSM. He also holds multiple national and provincial awarded young talent titles.

Research Interests

Our research interests

We are interested in deconvoluting the mystery of cell biology through computational innovations. We have broad interests in developing statistical / machine learning / combinatorial methods and algorithms for biological data analytics.

Part One

At the moment, we focus our research on the following topics in single cell analytics:

  1. Informative gene selection and engineering.
  2. Cell clustering and cell type ontology topology.
  3. Differential abundance analysis.
  4. Quantitative pathway enrichment analysis.
  5. Gene expression regulation modelling.
  6. Drug perturbation prediction.
  7. Gene expression analysis with graph models.
  8. Bulk-RNA-seq deconvolution.

Part Two

Other research interests:

  1. Combinatorial algorithms for 2nd-gen and 3rd-gen sequencing data analysis.
  2. Algorithms for cancer clonal deconvolution.
  3. Computer vision for medical imaging.